History |
Since 1983 Brother Kurien Mathew and his wife Sosamma Mathew were doing street evangelism in different parts of New York City through distributing tracts and Bible literature. In order to fulfill the vision and be more effective in missions he registered a sign and tract ministry called Rolling for Jesus Inc.
While he was working as a secular Government employee in North India, he had developed a passion to reach out the North Indian Communities. In the year 2005 both Kurien and Sosamma went out to Edison, New Jersey where the North Indians are mostly populated. They tirelessly preached among those people groups in the street corners, and shared the good news of salvation door to door.
While there was no Indian worship service in that area, Brother Kurien shared this concern and needs for a suitable place of worship to Pastor Darryl D. Duer, Senior Pastor of United Methodist Church on New Dover Rd. in Edison, NJ. Pastor Duer has consented in allowing us to conduct the Indian worship service in the church every Sunday.
The American Desi Church was founded by Brother Kurien Mathew with five North Indian Hindus originally met on the streets of Edison. It was dedicated by Rev. Geevarghese Chacko on the 27th of November, 2005, and he was serving as the Senior Pastor of the Church.
Within the American Desi Church, services were held through the internal help of Evangelist James Samuel, Brother Thomas Chacko, Brother Joshua Puthuserry, Brother Shaji John and Brother Paul Mathew.
Evangelist James Samuel was instrumental in conducting the Sunday services and teaching the Gospel lessons since 2005. He continued the service till he left the church voluntarily in November 2008. Rev. Dr. Sahai frequently preaches and helps in the ministry ever since the inception of the church. |
Bro. Kurien Mathew |
Bro. Kurien Mathew was born in Kerala, India in an Orthodox Syrian family. Soon after he came to the United States, Bro. Kurien came to Jesus through the Radio Ministry of Late Pastor K.V. Kurien. Since 1982, he has distributed gospel tracts and has evangelized in the streets of New York city over the many years. Recently he started his own sign and tract ministry called Rolling for Jesus in 2005. Through his ministry he was able to plant the First American Desi Church in Edison NJ. |
Desisforjesus.org | Rollingforjesus.org |